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Image by Waldemar



Financial Planning

Financial planning covers a broad range of topics from retirement income planning to small business retirement plans to estate planning and more. The main point of all the planning we do is to determine what you need to do to achieve your goals, whether that is retiring at a certain age, or not running out of money once you are retired.



Investment Management

Your savings and investments are the engine that drive your financial plan. So, we ensure you have the right investments in the right places based on your age and financial situation.



Tax Planning

Taxes are likely your biggest expense. They also affect every dollar you ever earn. However, the tax code is over 80,000 pages long! We take the guesswork out of you taxes and help you design tax plan to lower your lifetime tax liability. NOT overpay on taxes.



Asset Protection Planning

This includes two parts: insurance planning, which means being sure you don’t get wiped out by some unforeseen circumstances. And estate planning which means being sure every dollar of your hard-earned money goes to who you want it to, when you want it to, while paying the least in taxes.




What are the benefits of hiring a financial advisor?

According to Vanguard’s Advisor Alpha study investors who do NOT work with an advisor like Wichita Wealth earn up to 3% LESS in net returns each year compared to those who do work with a firm like us. This means, over time those who choose to do their own financial planning leave tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars on the table compared to those who invest in a relationship with a trusted advisor.


What makes Wichita Wealth unique?

It is not right how many people suffer from lackluster advice, expensive products, and boring meetings. We believe clients are happier, healthier, and wealthier with Wichita Wealth as their trusted advisor. That is why we started as the original fee-only, fiduciary financial advisor in Wichita. This is not a marketing gimmick, providing advice in our client’s best interest is in our DNA. We do this in a few ways. First, while the average advisor has over 300 clients, we serve about 65 clients. We have intentionally built our firm in such a way so that no client is ever just a number in our system. Next, we have a unique, planning-first approach to investment management. Finally, we focus on the one thing that affects every dollar you ever touch: taxes!


What does fee-only and fiduciary mean?

Fiduciary means we are legally obligated to give you advice in your best interest. This may sound like a no-brainer for a financial advisor. However, many advisors are fiduciaries to the company they work for. Fee-only means the only way we are compensated is directly from our clients. We do not receive any commissions, kickbacks, or referral fees. In addition, we do not sell any financial products. This is different from fee-based. Fee-based means the advisor can be paid directly from a client or be paid via sales commissions.


What do you mean when by, “financial planning”?

This is a very common question. Financial planning is our process to help you alleviate the stress of navigating your retirement, estate, tax, long-term care, and investment plans. The industry insiders here use lots of confusing jargon that makes your head spin! So, we work through each area with you to simplify the complex so you can relax knowing a professional is taking care of it for you. Everyone has a plan to handle each of these things. The question is, have you created a plan with purpose or simply taken the default? For example, the default in estate planning is to let a probate judge decide what will happen to each of your hard-earned dollars.


How do you manage my investments?

Many advisors give their clients questionnaires that ask things like, “how would you feel if your account is down 25%?”. We know how you will feel. You will feel bad! Instead, we invest in such a way as to have a war chest of cash and bonds on hand, so you don’t have to worry about what the market roller coaster is doing on any particular day.


Let's Connect!

Wichita Wealth is a fiduciary, boutique firm that provides a long-term relationship without a long-term contract. 


Schedule an introductory call with us!

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